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PBL vs. Traditional
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Puedes encontrar este storyboard en los siguientes artículos y recursos:
Aprendizaje en Base a Proyectos
Por Lauren Ayube
El aprendizaje basado en proyectos es un método de enseñanza en el que los estudiantes aprenden participando en proyectos del mundo real y personalmente importantes y significativos. ¡Aprenda más sobre cómo integrar PBL en su salón de clases!
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¡Vea algunos de nuestros otros artículos educativos!
Diagrama de trama
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Crear un Guión Gráfico
Storyboard Descripción
Project Based Learning goes beyond the traditional end of unit project. Learn the differences!
Texto del Guión Gráfico
Project Based Learning
A Traditional Project
Think of PBL as the entire meal that includes a drink, an appetizer, a salad, a main course, and dessert!
You get to decide what to do!
Think of a traditional project as a dessert that's given at the end of a meal!
Poster Assignment
Did everyone get a copy of the directions?
PBL is student driven, with teacher guidance along the way.
Traditional projects are assigned by the teacher, and the students follow the directions.
What should we do our Southwest project on?
PBL has real world connection and application.
The Overpopulation of Dogs and Cats in America: What You Can Do To HelpBy: Riley G.
Traditional projects remain within the classroom and are directly related to a specifically taught unit.
Dog and Cat Over Population
Project presentations today!
Great poster, Riley!
The results of PBL are shared beyond the classroom and school to a public audience.
Traditional projects are shared and displayed in the classroom or school setting only.
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