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SoLoMoFoo Business Model Comparison

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SoLoMoFoo Business Model Comparison
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Estilos de Negociación

Cómo Elegir la Estrategia Correcta Para ir al Mercado

Por Aaron Sherman

Esta es la segunda parte de nuestra serie ilustrada de la Guía para el desarrollo de productos. En el artículo anterior, hicimos un sorprendente storyboard de ejemplo de pitch pitch describiendo nuestro producto y asegurándonos de que el núcleo de nuestra visión fuera un producto que la gente realmente quisiera usar. Aunque todavía estamos muy pronto en nuestra estrategia de producto, tomar un momento para "saltar adelante" para revisar algunas estrategias de negocios ahora nos permitirá tener conversaciones más profundas a lo largo del proceso de desarrollo de productos.


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Storyboard Descripción

Business Model Comparison to help with gtm or go to market strategy

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Revenue Model
  • Selling Licenses to a Company
  • Enterprise
  • 50 Licenses for $49.95 per Year
  • Buy Now
  • Ad Revenue
  • Consumer
  • Free Cupcakes on the 7th floor kitchen
  • Growth Model
  • The IT deparment will log in to solomofoo.com and purchase licenses for however many users they need.
  • Convincing HR this is a Great Benefit
  • As part of the in-app experience ad banners will be shown to users.
  • Viral Usage
  • CLICK ME!!!! I'm an Ad!
  • Five EASY ways to improve Company Morale
  • Follow me and all my snacks. Just Install SoLoMoFoo
  • User Benefits
  • Go after the HR market who has budget to afford the software, that IT will then install. Sponsored blog posts on tips and tricks is a great channel.
  • Happier Employees
  • I love the increase in free food in the office!
  • Whenever food is shared, add the ability to leave a print out with a QR code for people to subscribe to updates.
  • Personal Praise
  • You just received a new review
  • Corporate customers are happy if their employees are happy. When employees are hangry, everyone loses!
  • For the person bringing in the snack, feeling appreciated for their craft is a major ego boost.
  • Risk
  • Legal Liability
  • Please be very careful. You already know you have a dangerous peanut allergy!
  • Strangers Showing Up
  • Who are these people?!
  • Companies don't want to be liable if there is a bad reaction to free food and they are perceived as being a part of the process and therefore responsible.
  • If random people start showing up at the door the person who posted the food is going to look foolish! In the enterprise version alerts are automatically localized to the company.
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