Kanada erlebte im 19. Jahrhundert eine Zeit großer Veränderungen. Die Bevölkerung nahm aufgrund von Einwanderern aus den Vereinigten Staaten und dem Ausland drastisch zu. Begeistern und bilden Sie Schüler mit vorgefertigten Storyboard That -Aktivitäten!
Der REDress-Tag, auch bekannt als Nationaler Tag des Bewusstseins für vermisste und ermordete indigene Frauen, Mädchen und 2 Geister, soll das Bewusstsein für die Gewalt gegen indigene Frauen, Mädchen und 2 Geistige schärfen.
HOW do people observe?
WHAT is REDress Day?
WHEN is it observed?
Those who observe wear red in honor of MMIWG2S people, and often there are candle vigils for the lives that were lost. The red hand print is also a symbol used across North America to represent silenced voices.
REDress day is observed on May 5, which is the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2 spirit people (MMIWG2S). It was started in 2010 by Metis Artist Jamie Black.
REDress Day is observed on May 5th.
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WHY is it a holiday?
National Day of Awareness for MMIWG2S
WHERE is it observed?
Indigenous women, girls, and 2 spirit people are at the highest risk for violence across Canada, and make up high percentage of missing people, trafficking, or homicides.
REDress day is observed across Canada, and the National Awareness for MMIWG2S Is observed across the entirety of North America.
Bild-Zuordnungen:313662 (https://pixabay.com/illustrations/paint-red-hand-hand-print-313662/) - PublicDomainPictures - Lizenz: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed
313662 - PublicDomainPictures - (Lizenz Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed
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