My Side of the Mountain handelt von einem Teenager namens Sam Gribley. Müde vom Stadtleben in einer überfüllten Wohnung beschließt Sam, das Land der Familie in den Bergen zu finden und alleine zu leben. Sams Abenteuer dreht sich um Mut, Überleben und Unabhängigkeit.
Lassen Sie die Schüler Themen in Meine Seite des Berges Jean Craighead George identifizieren und Beispiele aus dem Text veranschaulichen.
Sam’s family isn’t worried about him, for they know where he was headed and that this was something he needed to do. His father even visited him! At the end of the story, when Sam’s family joins him to live in the woods, the readers learn how truly important they are to one another.
Sam is alone throughout most of the story, but he is not always lonely. In order to pass the time, Sam talks to the animals and doesn’t realize that he misses people until he encounters a person in his space.
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