A Changemaker Project is a popular way for students to learn about different people from throughout history and all over the globe and research how they have positively impacted the world today.
In this activity, students will create a biography poster of someone past or present that was a positive agent of change. Students should be sure to include facts about their life, education, work, and more. As they research, they can use biography worksheets to keep track of information. Teachers may allow students to choose someone on their own, or provide a list for students to choose from. Our picture encyclopedia of biographies can be a great place to start! Students can find figures who have impacted history, literature, politics, science, and more! This example focuses on the life of Nelson Mandela, and can be used as a guide to show students what is possible. Their poster could be on any important Changemaker from history!
When finished, students' Changemaker posters can be printed, laminated, and hung around the classroom or school. Students can also present their posters to their classmates, adding a public speaking component to the project. Teachers may wish to organize a "gallery walk" where students have the opportunity to walk around as if they are in a museum and learn more about the lives of changemakers and notable figures from around the world!
For more templates to add to this assignment, check out our history infographic templates and biography poster templates!
Skabelon og Klasse Instruktioner
(Disse instruktioner kan tilpasses fuldstændigt. Når du har klikket på "Kopiér aktivitet", skal du opdatere instruktionerne på fanen Rediger i opgaven.)
Due Date:
Objective: Research a "Changemaker" or important person and create a biography poster about them.
Student Instructions:
- Click "Start Assignment"
- Research a notable figure who made a positive impact on the world. Use a graphic organizer to write down and organize the important information you discover about this person.
- Using a poster template, create an eye-catching poster about your person.
- Write at least 3-5 short paragraphs to describe your person's life, accomplishments, and impact on their country, industry or the world.
- Include a character that looks like your person. Add other appropriate characters, items, and scenes to your design that represent your person.
- Save and exit when you're finished.
Lektionsplan Reference
(Du kan også oprette din egen på Quick Rubric.)
Dygtig | Opstår | Behøver Forbedring | |
Beskrivelse | Beskrivelsen indeholder mindst fem vigtige fakta om den berømte eller historiske figur. | Beskrivelsen indeholder mindre end fem vigtige fakta, eller den indeholder oplysninger, der ikke er relevante for den berømte eller historiske figur. | Beskrivelsen er ufuldstændig og indeholder ikke vigtige oplysninger om den berømte eller historiske figur. |
Kunstneriske Skildringer | Kunsten valgt til at skildre de scener, karakterer og genstande, der er passende for den berømte eller historiske figur. De fremhæver plakaten ved at symbolisere eller illustrere vigtige fakta om figuren. Der tages tid og omhyggeligt at sikre, at scenerne er pæne, iøjnefaldende og kreative. | Den kunst, der er valgt til at skildre scenerne, karaktererne og genstandene, er for det meste nøjagtige, men der kan være nogle friheder, der distraherer fra opgaven. Scenekonstruktioner er pæne og lever op til de grundlæggende forventninger. | Den kunst, der er valgt til at skildre scenerne, karaktererne og genstandene, er for begrænset eller ufuldstændig. |
Engelske Konventioner | Idéer er organiseret. Der er få eller ingen grammatiske, mekaniske eller stavefejl. | Idéer er for det meste organiserede. Der er nogle grammatiske, mekaniske eller stavefejl. | Storyboardtekst er svær at forstå. |
A Changemaker Project is a popular way for students to learn about different people from throughout history and all over the globe and research how they have positively impacted the world today.
In this activity, students will create a biography poster of someone past or present that was a positive agent of change. Students should be sure to include facts about their life, education, work, and more. As they research, they can use biography worksheets to keep track of information. Teachers may allow students to choose someone on their own, or provide a list for students to choose from. Our picture encyclopedia of biographies can be a great place to start! Students can find figures who have impacted history, literature, politics, science, and more! This example focuses on the life of Nelson Mandela, and can be used as a guide to show students what is possible. Their poster could be on any important Changemaker from history!
When finished, students' Changemaker posters can be printed, laminated, and hung around the classroom or school. Students can also present their posters to their classmates, adding a public speaking component to the project. Teachers may wish to organize a "gallery walk" where students have the opportunity to walk around as if they are in a museum and learn more about the lives of changemakers and notable figures from around the world!
For more templates to add to this assignment, check out our history infographic templates and biography poster templates!
Skabelon og Klasse Instruktioner
(Disse instruktioner kan tilpasses fuldstændigt. Når du har klikket på "Kopiér aktivitet", skal du opdatere instruktionerne på fanen Rediger i opgaven.)
Due Date:
Objective: Research a "Changemaker" or important person and create a biography poster about them.
Student Instructions:
- Click "Start Assignment"
- Research a notable figure who made a positive impact on the world. Use a graphic organizer to write down and organize the important information you discover about this person.
- Using a poster template, create an eye-catching poster about your person.
- Write at least 3-5 short paragraphs to describe your person's life, accomplishments, and impact on their country, industry or the world.
- Include a character that looks like your person. Add other appropriate characters, items, and scenes to your design that represent your person.
- Save and exit when you're finished.
Lektionsplan Reference
(Du kan også oprette din egen på Quick Rubric.)
Dygtig | Opstår | Behøver Forbedring | |
Beskrivelse | Beskrivelsen indeholder mindst fem vigtige fakta om den berømte eller historiske figur. | Beskrivelsen indeholder mindre end fem vigtige fakta, eller den indeholder oplysninger, der ikke er relevante for den berømte eller historiske figur. | Beskrivelsen er ufuldstændig og indeholder ikke vigtige oplysninger om den berømte eller historiske figur. |
Kunstneriske Skildringer | Kunsten valgt til at skildre de scener, karakterer og genstande, der er passende for den berømte eller historiske figur. De fremhæver plakaten ved at symbolisere eller illustrere vigtige fakta om figuren. Der tages tid og omhyggeligt at sikre, at scenerne er pæne, iøjnefaldende og kreative. | Den kunst, der er valgt til at skildre scenerne, karaktererne og genstandene, er for det meste nøjagtige, men der kan være nogle friheder, der distraherer fra opgaven. Scenekonstruktioner er pæne og lever op til de grundlæggende forventninger. | Den kunst, der er valgt til at skildre scenerne, karaktererne og genstandene, er for begrænset eller ufuldstændig. |
Engelske Konventioner | Idéer er organiseret. Der er få eller ingen grammatiske, mekaniske eller stavefejl. | Idéer er for det meste organiserede. Der er nogle grammatiske, mekaniske eller stavefejl. | Storyboardtekst er svær at forstå. |
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