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Customize Routine Chart Templates

If you're assigning this to your students, copy the poster to your account and save. When creating an assignment, just select it as a template!

Why Daily Routine Charts?

Daily routine charts, or schedule boards, are great for students who need a visual summary of their day, especially if they need to anticipate what's coming next. Routine charts can also be used in the classroom to show the schedule for the day. Creating your own daily routine chart template is a good way to add some creativity and engagement for students in the classroom setting.

How To Make A Daily Routine Chart Template Stand Out

  1. Decide which activities you want to include on the daily routine chart template and then create a printable with activity-referencing, pre-made images that can be used as stickers or in another way that makes them reusable.
  2. Layout the chart with the routine and relevant activities in the order in which they need to be done.
  3. Double-check the layout of your graphics. Make sure that your design takes into account the child’s ability to interact. One way to do this is to create the routine chart on one page, making space for the activity stickers, if that is the design you choose, then organize the activity stickers on another sheet for printing.
  4. Allow for checkboxes for each activity or, if you want to be creative, a pouch that holds the stickers for completed tasks once they are complete.

    1. Tips For Making A Daily Routine Chart for the Classroom

      There are several factors to consider when creating a visual schedule for young students. These considerations can greatly improve the functionality and effectiveness of the chart. They can also enhance the overall experience of using the chart based on the level of interactivity, and ease-of-use.

      • Use pictures representing the activity to be completed- The pictures should be clear, without distracting props.
      • When creating visual aids for children, keep in mind that children normally view pictures from top to bottom rather than from left to right.
      • It is advisable to make sure that the activity progression has a clear beginning, middle, and end. When children don’t have to guess, they are able to complete their tasks faster with less need for clarification and instruction.
      • When designing daily routine/DIY routine charts, their function as a visual aid should be a priority. For instance, consider using activity stickers or materials like velcro so that students can add and remove, reorganize and gain some autonomy over their own schedule and activities.
      • Routine charts should also include some type of confirmation mechanism to indicate that a task has indeed been completed. If stickers or materials like velcro are used, then a ‘done’ pocket can be included for completed tasks.
      • Color coding different activities can also help to make the chart more visually appealing and easier to follow.
      • Be prepared to make changes to the routine chart as needed. As children grow and their activities change, the routine chart should be adjusted accordingly.
      • Keep the chart simple. A routine chart should be easy to understand and follow so use clear headings and minimal text.

      Classroom Routine Examples

      • Teacher greeting or arrival routine
      • Putting away personal items like coats and backpacks
      • Putting away school items in lockers, folders, or desks
      • Sharing news and announcements and reviewing the day’s activities
      • Taking assigned seating and other transitionary activities
      • Using classroom resources like pencil sharpeners, glue sticks, and pencil boxes
      • Submitting completed assignments
      • Cleaning up work areas
      • Reviewing homework

      Other Printable Routine Chart Ideas

      • Printable morning routine chart
      • Daily routine checklists
      • After-school daily routine template chart
      • Nightly and evening routine checklist for kids
      • To do checklist for kids

      Even More Storyboard That Resources and Free Printables

      How to Make a Routine Poster


      Choose One of the Premade Routine Poster Templates

      We have colorful portrait, or landscape templates to choose from. Take a look at our routine poster example for inspiration!


      Click on "Copy Template"

      Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator.


      Give Your Poster a Name!

      Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future.


      Edit Your Poster

      This is where you will include details, text, images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless!


      Click "Save and Exit"

      When you are finished with your routines poster, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard.


      Next Steps

      From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more!

      Happy Creating!

      Frequently Asked Questions About Routine Posters

      Why create a routine poster for kids?

      Routines are important in keeping life organized, from working, to carrying out household chores and meeting appointments. It is no different for children. They can feel safer, happier, and have better behaviors when they know what to expect, when to expect it, and what is expected of them. A daily routine chart for kids’ activities will help them to be more hands-on with their routine experience. The actions of checking what they need to do, when they need to do it and then noting that they have completed the task is a hands-on experience that will ingrain a routine building behavior into their psyche.

      Is a behavior chart different from a routine poster?

      Behavior charts are different from daily routine/DIY routine charts in that behavior charts are designed to help track, manage and reward encouraged behavior in children. The behaviors tracked range from general taught behaviors like handwashing, to more specific behaviors to be tracked like the completion of specific tasks, following particular rules and procedures, attitudes and avoiding particular challenging and poor behaviors. In contrast, routine posters are a good tool for teachers because they help to save time and make the teacher’s job easier. Both teachers and students get to have the stability of what the routine provides.

      Why are routine posters better than digital tools and calendars?

      The benefits of having a set routine for your child are clear. Children benefit from the sense of security, independence and confidence made available to them when they have a routine they can periodically and consistently reference. When it comes to tracking that routine, digital planners are not necessarily the best option for your child although they can function well as daily schedule makers. If you create a visually appealing routine poster, for example for your child’s morning routine, then they actually get to interact with their schedule more than in just a typically visual way. They also get to do so physically and the visual representations are also usually more clear. Depending on the design, routine posters can even be kept as keepsakes. In a classroom setting, routine posters are clear, shared physical experience between classmates.

      How do routine posters help children with special needs?

      Routine posters can help children with special needs because they lessen the overwhelming feeling that children typically get from even familiar daily activities. Another way routine posters are beneficial specifically to special needs children is because they offer consistent cues to alert that there will soon be a transition in the activity. If the designed routine poster also includes stickers and removable visual cues, this makes the design for the activity even better.

      What features make for an effective routine poster for kids?

      Making a poster can be fun and they can be quite engaging and useful in the classroom. There are some tips you can follow on how to make a routine chart that is even more fun, engaging, and informative.

      • Use bright colors for the materials
      • Use clear pictures with nothing interfering in the background
      • Display the poster in an easily accessible area for all students
      • Make sure it's visible and readable from a distance
View all of our Poster Templates!
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