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Bullying - Four Actions You Can Do

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Bullying - Four Actions You Can Do
Storyboard That

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Осведоменост за Тормоза в Училище

Видове Тормоз

By Rebecca Ray

Тук, в Storyboard That, открихме, че чрез използване на разкадровки за създаване на сценарии за ролеви игри учениците могат по-добре да видят ефектите и характеристиките на тормоза. Чрез интерактивни уроци можете да помогнете за промяна на нагласите на учениците от „тормозът е проблем“ на „тормозът е проблем и аз мога да направя нещо по въпроса“.


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Описание на Статията

Four actions students can take to stop bullying today.

Текст на Статията

  • I haven't been feeling safe around here anymore..
  • Why not? What's wrong? Tell me, I am here to listen.
  • … you are perfect the way you are. It's the person who is bullying you who needs help.
  • Bullying is not a victim-less crime; know that your efforts can make a positive impact. If you are able to help someone deal with bullying, you will have done a wonderful act of kindness for a friend, acquaintance, or stranger.
  • Principal Ross, I need to speak with you. My friend is being bullied, but he doesn't want you to know.
  • Let the person who has been bullied speak.
  • Tell the person who has been bullied that it's not their fault, and they did not do anything to bring on this behavior.
  • Get and give advice, talk about ways to proceed, what steps you should take, and be sensible.
  • Inform the school, or in extreme cases, call the police.
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