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Natural Selection 1

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Natural Selection 1
Storyboard That

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Variation
  • Competition
  • Selective Pressure
  • Species of ants resides in a backyard that has very dark green grass. There is a variation of colour within the ants. Most of the ants are black and very few ants are green.
  • Adaptation
  • The black ants dominate the backyard as the green ants remain only a few as they are very visible for predictors to eat. This also creates competition for food and resources for the ants.
  • Differential Reproduction
  • A few months later, the very sunny weather turns the dark green grass into lighter green. The crows now feed on the black ants as they are easier to spot.
  • Survival
  • Overtime the population of the black ants all shorten immensely. However, the green ants managed to maintain their population and survive.
  • As the time goes on, the green ants are given a selective advantage and are now capable of reproducing much more offsprings to pass on the heritable green colour than the black ants.
  • The green ants now dominate the yard as they continue to survive. There still are a few black ants, however will not be the same amount as before.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu