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Zaman Çizelgesi - İlk Soğuk Savaşın Başlıca Olayları

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Zaman Çizelgesi - İlk Soğuk Savaşın Başlıca Olayları
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Soğuk Savaş Ders Planları

Soğuk Savaş: 1945-1962

Richard Cleggett'tan Ders Planları

In the aftermath of World War II, global politics came to be dominated by a struggle between two great powers: The United States and the Soviet Union. These two nations defined the course of history in the second half of the 20th century, and the legacy of their Cold War continues to the present day.


Soğuk Savaş: 1945-1962

Öykü Açıklama

Soğuk Savaş Zaman Çizelgesi - Öğrencilere, II. Dünya Savaşı'nın sona ermesinden kaynaklanan olayları özetlemek ve gerçekleştirilen acil eylem ve konferanslara tanımlamak için bir zaman çizelgesi kullanmalarını sağlayın. Öğrenciler Soğuk Savaşın başlangıcına neden olan olayların yanı sıra Sovyetler Birliği ile ABD arasındaki başlangıçtaki düşmanlıkların nasıl geliştiğini açıklayabilir ve analiz edebilir. Öğretmenler etkinlik, konferans ya da öğrencilerin kullanmaları için önlemler seçebilir ancak önerilen Yalta Konferansı, Nagasaki ve Hiroşima bombalamaları, Potsdam Konferansı, Truman Doktrini, Berlin Hava Taşımacılığı ve Varşova Paktı gibi fikirler önerilir. Bu, öğrencilerin Sovyet ve Amerikan görüşmelerindeki başlangıç ​​girişimleri ile Soğuk Savaşın nasıl ısınmaya başladığını görmelerini sağlayacak.

Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • On the cusp of World War II coming to an end, the "Big Three", Joseph Stalin, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, met in Yalta to discuss post-war Europe. All agreed on peace, yet were divided on what to do with countries like Poland. It was also decided to split Germany up between the three countries.
  • In a show of military power, and what some would argue as a necessary measure, the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945. This effectively drew Japan's surrender and the end to WWII. However, the Cold War was already in the works between the U.S. and U.S.S.R.
  • In another meeting between the "Big Three", with newly appointed U.S. president Harry Truman, further negotiations took place. Again, conflict arose over controlled areas between the Allies and Soviet Union. Truman, although inexperienced in foreign affairs, remained strong on his anti-communist influence position.
  • In a 1947 address to Congress, President Truman released his Truman Doctrine, or foreign policy in regards to Soviet imperialism. In it, Truman pledged aid, financially and militarily, to any country of free people opposed to communist influence. Initially, the doctrine was aimed at supporting free elections in Greece and Turkey.
  • NATO
  • As tensions continued to rise, East Berlin, controlled by the Soviet Union, was soon cut off from supply lines as a response to a merger of British, American, and French control over West Berlin. In response, Allied forces conducted air drops of food, coal, medicine, and other necessary supplies to aid the peoples of East Berlin.
  • With the Berlin Crisis, among others, revolving around the growing divide between the Soviet Union and free states, Allied powers soon formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO alliance. In essence, this alliance of free states declared an attack against one, was an attack against all.
  • With the end of the Chinese Civil War, and a victorious communist party, the U.S. and U.N. aimed to protect their control in Korea, once controlled by Japan. After Japan's defeat, the country became divided as communist North Korea and democratic South Korea. The war would be the first of the "hot" wars throughout the Cold War.

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