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Storyboard That kendi yaratın

Calico Girl - Jerdine Nolen

SERGİ: Virginia'da Kölelik


CLIMAX: Küçük Charlie Öldü

DÜŞEN AKSİYON: Özel Ziyaretçiler

ÇÖZÜM: Gelecek İçin Umut

Calico Girl is about 12 year old Callie and her family in the South during the 1860s. At this time, the United States was divided and the Civil War had just begun. Callie and her family only want one thing: freedom.

Callie Wilcomb is a 12 year old enslaved girl in 1860s in Virginia. When they learned of three men who escaped and found protection at Fort Monroe, a Union Outpost not far from where they lived, Callie’s father decided it was time for his family to be free. With the Civil War going on all around them, Callie and her family make a risky yet life-changing decision to go after their freedom.

Hampton talks to Raleigh, the son of one of the men who escaped to Fort Monroe. He goes back to his family and takes them to the fortress, where they are treated with kindness and considered to be free.

Little Charlie dies of his illness soon after the family arrives at Fort Monroe. This is absolutely devastating to the family, especially Callie. She is unable to stop crying or get out of bed for days.

Mrs. Peake’s friends, Mr. and Mrs. Fowles, approach Mrs. Peake and Callie about sending Callie to a good school up North in Massachusetts. They all see amazing potential in her and want her to get the best education possible. They have already received the okay from Callie’s parents.

Callie decides to go to school. Suse stops by the fortress and apologizes for all the times she’s mistreated Callie. Papa and Mama Ruth have settled in nicely at Fort Monroe. The family sees a light in their future for the first time ever.

Ne düşünüyorsun Calle?

Çok üzgünüm Callie.

Teşekkür ederim Suse. Seni affediyorum.

Calico Girl

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