The Seven Years' War was a global war fought between 1756 - 1763. The peak of the fighting was between the British and French. It got serious in North America in 1758. The British had the St.Lawernce to themselves.
General Wolfe sent 4000 soldiers to attack Beauport shore, but Commander Montcalm had seen foreseen this move and had a strong defensive foce there. The British were defeated and about 440 Britosh soldiers were killed or wounded.
After this defeat, Wolde decided to attack Quebec. His troops would have to climb the Anse- au-Foulon, which was a narrow steep path. On the 12th of September, a small party went to capture the guard post at nightfall. Wolfe then arrived with 5000 troops to the Plains of Abrahams.
The next morning, Wolfe stood at the front of his army on the Plains of Abraham. He was not able to attack Quebec, for it had high stone walls. The French needed to ho out and search for ffod, but would be hard because the British had stopped trade at the river.
On September 13th, there was a battle on the Plains of Abraham. The British soldiers stood closely beside each other in three lines. Their shots were deadly and every 20 seconds one of the British lines fired. The French were defeated and they surrendered to the British.
The Seven Years' War ended in 1763. when the French and the British signed a peace treaty in Paris. New France remained a British colony, and the French Empire in North America was ended.
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