Saige lived in a wonderful house filled with laughs and love.
She lived with her parents and sister, 3 dogs, a rabbit and a pack of chickens.
Saige graduated from High School in 2011.
Franklin High School
She didn't know where to go or what to do with her future.
So Saige went to NHTI and studied General Studies.
Welcome to NHTI
Years passed and Saige's friends were closing in on graduating.
Saige however wasn't close at all. She kept changing her major, trying to find her calling.
More years passed, and Saige sat back and watched as her friends graduated from college one by one.
Saige felt stuck, lost, confused and unsure with herself.
She had many talks with her parents. They tried to help but Saige wasn't listening.
They finally sat Saige down and asked her- "Saige, what do you see yourself doing for the rest of your life?"
She didn't really need to think about it, for it's what her heart has been saying for a long time now. She replied with one word....... "Theater."
Her parents cheered and celebrated. For that's what they have been saying along.
So it was time for Saige to take the first step....apply to Plymouth State University...
......And that's exactly what she did!
Saige was accepted! First step check! Next step set up an interview for the Theater Department.
The day of the interview arrived and so did Saige's nerves.
Technical Theater Interview
The interview was over before she knew it and Saige left feeling a little uneasy about it, but now she had to play the waiting game.
Finally the letter came in but it was a denial. Saige's world fell apart and she felt more lost then ever.
Her parents tried helping and told her everything happens for a reason and not to give up. They also recommended she take some theater classes and apply again.
So that's exactly what Saige did. She took those theater classes and found herself in Transformation Through the Arts and little did Saige know how much that class was going to change her life for the better.
Welcome to Transformation Through the Arts
Saige learned that there is an artist in everyone.
That it's okay to fail sometimes but to never give up.
To follow your heart and yearnings and go after your dreams.
The class gave Saige new hope and her motivation and confidence was back in full blast.
Saige applied once again to the theater department....and she made it, she got in!!!!!
Saige is about to embark on the greatest journey yet! And she is so ready!!!!!
The End
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