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The King's Decision
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Let's join the pop-quiz! https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5e9bf9a40f66b6001b536ce1 ***Vocabulary List: ◆ Peaceful (Aman) ◆Kingdom (Kerajaan) ◆ Artistic ◆ Wonderful (Indah) ◆ Heir (Pewaris) ◆ Art (Seni) ◆ Announcement (Pengumuman) ◆ Portrait (potret) ◆ Decided (telah membuat keputusan) ◆ Months (berbulan-bulan) ◆ Choose (Memilih) ◆ Nervous (Gementar) ◆ Uninterested (Tidak berminat) ◆ Delighted (Gembira) ◆ Reflection (Pantulan) ◆ Proclaimed (Telah mengisytiharkan)
Öykü Penceresi Metni
Once upon a time, there was a peaceful kingdom called Artistic.
They were ruled by the wonderful King Sam.
Although everyone loved King Sam, he was not happy. He and Queen Sara did not have any children to be the heir of the kingdom.
Hmm... We need an heir to this kingdom!
Everyone was happy. They wanted to try their luck to be the next King of Artistic Kingdom.
Aha! I shall use art to find my heir!
On the announcement day...
To the people of Artistic Kingdom!
For months, he worked hard to paint the best portrait of King Sam.
Whoever wants to be the next king must draw the most beautiful portrait of King Sam.
The day finally came to choose the new king.
This is John. Since he loved painting, he decided to give it a try.
When John saw the other villagers holding beautiful portraits of the king, he felt nervous.
King Sam walked around slowly to take a look at all of the portraits, one by one.
Suddenly, King Sam saw John holding just a golden mirror.
However, he was still uninterested.
Hmm.. There is no portrait that I like.
Where is your drawing?!
The king was so angry!
I could draw the most beautiful portrait, but nothing as perfect as you. So I brought you a golden mirror.
King Sam looked into the mirror and saw an image of himself. He was delighted with the clever idea!
Look at me! The reflection in the mirror is perfect!
On that day, King Sam proclaimed John as the next king. The end.
30 Milyondan
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