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Raven steals the light 3

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Raven steals the light 3
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  • Finally Raven became so tired that he tossed the last and biggest piece of the light into the sky. It became the sun.
  • W-what have you done?
  • That is how daylight came to the world. The magician cried, sorrowfully at his lost light.
  • My light! My precious light!
  • Since then, the world has had light all over, and Raven can finally find his food.
  • I could rest for a while now...
  • The old magician returned to his house dejectedly, his head bowed, mourning his loss. He was greeted by his anxious daughter
  • Oh father! I couldn't find you! There's light! A big circular light in the sky!
  • The magician confessed to his daughter what happened. Explaining patiently what happened and about the light. He didn't tell his daughter before that about the light. She listened to him, her expression became bewildered and horrified by what he told her.
  • You see...
  • His daughter left him, angry and startled by his confessions. She turned her back and left. Leaving her old father behind
  • Wait! Don't leave!
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu