We need a screen upgrade - now - that's under $4000.00. Gotta make the big screens as clear and bright as the TV.
I'll go figure it out.
Geez...1000 gadgets and gizmos...Summit Church isn't answering..."Hey Mike - what'll work?"
If you want to match clarity and brilliance of the TV screen on stage, best bet is LED screens in multiplexes. Plan on $20,000 per screen plus all your cabling, new software and the install.
ARGH! We've only got $4000.00 and NO ONE except me cares about the extra cable runs and software needed to be considered in case we add on later, Mike! Just get me a solution using rear projection with attention only to the two screens up front that'll cost under $4000! I NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING, LIKE...NOW!
No problem. Got the lead dude in Pittsburgh that does this for 1000 churches a week. I'll get him in touch with you.
So we'll have to auction all our children for the next 40 years to afford LED screens. Waiting to get details on rear projection screens.
CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER! 1) Is there a rear projection solution? 2) Will it be under $4000.00? 3) If not, then what's a REALISTIC starting upgrade price? And 4) if there IS a rear projection solution in-budget, who's able to do it, and when (and for how much)?
Um, yeah...been talking to the dude in Pittsburgh and now dudes in Clarion and State College. Rear projection solutions are TOUGH in your sanctuary. They're, um, like, trying to figure it out, man.
You have SO much ambient light in your sanctuary, dude. Like, that's an uber-solar nightmare. Trying to figure this out: 1) There are outdoor projectors - BIG TIME light, but low quality of picture. 2) OR there are indoor projectors - BIG TIME pic quality, but light ain't what you need. 3) And they're all like WAY more than $4000.00, dude. 3) You're running VGA cable, too - and that's SO 1991 - changing that to HDMI and CAT 6 is a given, dude - it's gotta happen. I'ma talk to 'em all today to see what's the BEST thing for your space - but brace yourself for the price tag. And I think it probably won't match your TV's brilliance/clarity, regardless.
So LED multiplexes are too expensive for us, and rear projections are too problematic AND too expensive for us to get the upgrade we want? DUDE! REALLY? What CAN you get me for a solution that we can afford? ANYTHING?
I'm not done talking to these guys. I'ma find out more today...So stay tuned. But the REAL solution you want only happens RIGHT like you want it if you pony-up and multiplex the screens...just sayin'. Or else lower all your main lighting 6 feet AND cover the stained glass window AND get rid of all your florescent lights.
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