On the island of Wuhanway in Anich their are two people living. Kovid and Virusa are their names. This couple are keep praying to have a baby.
Virusa is praying on the coconut tree, she believed that the coconut tree will help her to have a baby. While his husband is busy to get some fish on the sea.
Oh, Budhe coconut tree can you please give me a baby huhuhuhu. I'll promise I will take the baby in good hands huhuhuhu.
The coconut tree turns to a wonderful fairy Godmother and Virusa was shocked, she can't believed what happend.
I'm your fairy Godmother Virusa I'm always watching and guide you and I heared your praying you want a baby and I will give you.
Ahhhhhhhh! Who are you? what are you doing here?
Until now Virusa cant believed what happend. After a month Virusa became pregnant and she didn't know if its boy or girl but his husband wonder why the tummy of his wife is bigger.
9 months later the babies are now big and their names are Astrazenica, Pfizer, Moderna and Sinovac. Their parents was amaze by the gift of the fairy godmother to them.