Create your own at Storyboard ThatSallyRide(1951-2012)BreakinggenderexpectationstobecomethefirstUSwomaninspace,Dr.SallyRidewasanaccomplishedphysicistandacclaimedastronaut.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatSallyRide(1951-2012)BreakinggenderexpectationstobecomethefirstUSwomaninspace,Dr.SallyRidewasanaccomplishedphysicistandacclaimedastronaut.
Breaking gender expectations to become the first US woman in space, Dr. Sally Ride was an accomplished physicist and acclaimed astronaut.
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Sally Ride (1951-2012) Breaking gender expectations to become the first US woman in space, Dr. Sally Ride was an accomplished physicist and acclaimed astronaut.
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