Jonathon is unhappy with his current school. As him and his mom ride along in an elevator with Mrs. Mickle(Sped Coordinator) a conversation begins..
Öykü Penceresi Metni
Jonathon PLEASE!
GM Susan & Jonathon...what's wrong the elevator is working again!!! LOL
He is unhappy at his current school...
Susan, I must say that our children deserve an education that is centered around their future, that's why I teach at Polaris Tech Charter School.
Mrs. Mickle, he enjoys video games lol..especially the aviator kind.
I'm not really sure....
Are you thinking of college or not really? Exposure is so important! We take field trips to job sites & listen to speakers talk about their own careers!
Teacher at Polaris Tech Charter School(Mrs. Mickle) and her lovely neighbors Susan and Jonathon begin their morning ride down the elevator to school. Jonathon attends Sensible High as an 7th grader.
Charter school seems like a risk to me.
You would love our Aerospace Pathway, as you could gain knowledge and also engage in our learning framework to include academic foundation, health & wellness, and & life/career skills!!.
Jonathon is frustrated with school and is bored with the standards in his classroom. He would very much like to be involved with project based learning and hands on experiences.
Interesting..I wonder if mom would let me attend?
I just want him to be prepared for life...
We are governed by the SC Public School District. Our learners enjoy a personalized learning experience. And yes our navigators are super cool!
Jonathon's career paths seem unknown to him. However his mom notices that he has an interest in aviation. Polaris Tech Charter School has Aerospace as one of their Career Pathways.
Mrs. Mickle do you mind if I could contact you for further information?
Sure, Actually next week we will have our quarterly PBL showcase, I want you to be my special guest!
Just like a young mind Jonathon begins to ask questions. Obviously, he is not challenged at his own school but has some serious questions for Mrs. Mickle.
Could I learn at my own pace? Are the teachers nice?
Due to the limited knowledge of charter schools, Susan contemplates the idea of Jonathon attending. She is a bit weary as she wants him to be prepared but is afraid of the unknown.
Susan & Jonathon want to know more about PTCS. In an effort to show them the idea of their mission, Mrs. Mickle invites them to the showcase. What a way to impress upon the vision of the innovative learner with career/college readiness & community investment.
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