Macbeth - Comic Stripby Kaitlin LarkinJake as MacbethRiley as Lady MacbethBob as BanquoNick as DuncanFootball team as MacDuff FamilyFortune Teller as Witches
Bob, are you sure we should go see the fortune teller?
Jake. you bet! Lets find out who will be the starting QB this season.
Hey Fortune Teller - Who is going to be the starting QB?
You Will Jake, ha ha ha!
Cool - Spooky
Nick, Jake, one of you two are going to be the starting QB
I got this
Thanks Coach Smith
Bob and I went to see a fortune teller, she said I am going to be the starting QB
No Way! That's great. What can I do to help
Riley, I'm not sure I believe her, Nick is a senior
It is your job to take control of your destiny! You should put drugs in Nick's locker. Let 's make sure what the fortune teller sails comes true!!!
I don't want to because if I get caught I could get expelled.
If you don't do it I will break up with you!!!!
Hey Dude, How much for the drugs?
Riley, Are we really doing this . . . . . .
Bob, stay with me - I am going to be the starting QB. I will take care of you!
OK dude
Nick you are not going to be the the starting QB . . . . hahahaha!!!("Riley puts drugs in Nick's locker")I don't trust Bob. I am going to put some in his locker too
(in a fake voice), Uh, coach Smith, I think Nick is dealing drugs out of his locker at school
Why did I do this, Nick in my friend. Why did I listen to Riley
Nick & Bob, I need you to open your locker. Time for a drug check
(after opening the lockers) Nick, Bob I didn't want to believe this but why do you have drugs. Are you selling them. Come with me you are going to be expelled!
(Jake wakes up from a dream)Oh gosh, they are going to find out it was me who helped put drugs in their locker.
"There is no way Bob & Nick were selling drugs""I agree""This was a setup"
During the big game . . Dr: "Jake I think you tore up your knee. Your football career is over!Jake: Noooooo!
Jake, we are done! I only date star football players!
Good riddance - LOSER!
POINTLESS, POINTLESS, POINTLESS!My life is pointless. I cannot play football anymore. My girlfriend dumped me and this is all stupid and life is pointless.
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