I don't give anything about you, with all sincerity. You mean nothing to me at all.
Fine! Just have to adjust, I guess.
In order to keep its internal environment steady and largely constant, your body has a propensity to resist change. It can be harmful or even fatal if your core body temperature fluctuates outside of the range of 95°F (35.6°C) and 107°F (41.7°C).
You and your emotions have no bearing on how the weather and your surroundings behave. Therefore, the environment will be the environment whether or not your body is okay with it.
Why in the world are you dancing?
The temperature regulating center of your brain, located in a region called the hypothalamus, is alerted when you become either too hot or too cold through peripheral and brain sensors.
I can handle change better than you, so the joke's on you. Oh, people are doing that and doing that. Oh, the warming world. Just handle it.
If your body tempreture is below normal the temperature center in the brain will need to trigger responses that help warm you up. Skeletal muscles contribute to maintaining temperature homeostasis in the body by generating heat. Muscle contraction requires energy and produces heat. Shivering produces random skeletal muscle contractions to generate heat as part of the negative feedback mechanism of maintaining body temperature.
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