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Charlottes tragic life

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Charlottes tragic life
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  • Charlotte's new coping mechanism is swimming but because she's swimming so much she's been putting lots of strain on her body.
  • After training she always finds she has a sore shoulder. Gradually her shoulder is too to swim so she decides to get it checked out.
  • Pros and Cons of Acupuncture-Pros- chemical free, quick pain relief, not painful and gives an energy boostUnlikely Cons- soreness, minor bleeding, bruising, can take a while before#160;improvements
  • Charlotte attends weekly appointments. The cost is covered by private health insurance making it very accessible.
  • Before Charlotte got injured she qualified for the state swimming competition but because of her injury she can't go.
  • Charlotte starts swimming once a week and cheers her team on from the sideline at the swimming competitions
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu