A storyboard depicting different types of negotiating power used during a negotiation.
Öykü Penceresi Metni
A Fabricorp azzal kezdődik, hogy tárgyalóik személyes erejét felhasználják konstruktív és akadályozó erejük növelésére. A tárgyalásokat szűk kereteként akarja, hogy kompromisszumként kezelje a nyers számokat.
As the contract is up for renewal, we're proposing a modest, 8% increase in the rate. We can sign the paperwork now, leaving everything else exactly the same. Your day-to-day operations won't change at all.
A NextWidget tudja, hogy egy kedvezőtlen üzletkötésbe kerülhetnek velük, ha megpróbálják meggondolni az árat. A normatív hatalomra támaszkodva váltják át a tárgyalások fókuszát.
Mega Manufacturing's rates are significantly lower than that though. We simply can't justify a large departure from the industry average.
Our margins are thin enough to begin with. You know we're good customers, maybe there is a something we can work out.
A Fabricorp azonban saját normatív érvelésével válaszol.
Remember that shipment debacle last April? Fixing those sorts of problems is what you're buying with a very modest rate increase.
We both know only Fabricorp can give you the reliability and customer care that you enjoy right now.
I understand your situation, but we have the same pressures on our side. The increase isn't arbitrary, it reflects higher costs, some of which we have to pass along.
A NextWidget demonstrálja mind normatív, mind gyalogló erejét, amikor megemlíti a Fabricorp versenytársát. Ez hatékonyan semlegesíti a Fabricorp obstrukciós erejét, miközben elismeri néhány maradványát.
Frankly, I don't like the idea of the paperwork that would involve, but they might be our best option.
Hear me out. I think I have a plan that can protect us both against rising costs, and an opportunity to increase profits in the long term.
In response, Fabricorp once again narrows the discussion to a single issue, but this time centered around constructive power.
That's true. I have another idea though...
NextWidget prepares to present a package deal that benefits both sides. This uses a different sort of personal power, a capability for creative collaboration, to augment constructive power.