Hi Abu, saya sedihlah. Banyak dah saya exercise, tapi tetap tak kurus-kurus. Emm
Hi Muhaimin, alolo sedihnya. Saya rasa saya boleh membantu.
It's important to maintain a balance with your exercise and your nutrition consumption
What do you mean?
Although it is good to exercise, it is equally good to make sure that your diet has plenty of fiber, water, carbs, protein, vitamins and minerals, and fats
60% of your body is made of water, so it is the most important. Carbs, or carbohydrates are also very important, they are your body's #1 energy source, but make sure you are eating mostly complex carbs, they have the most benefit.
Fibers help your digestive system properly digest your food, proteins help build and maintain body cells and tissues
Wow, I never knew about any of that stuff! Thanks, I'll make sure to improve my diet and nutrition intake
Sounds like a plan! f you stick to the tips I have told you, you can become as fit as you can get,
Which also means, no more eating any junk foods, like these here, they have almost no value at all!
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