shane: you can stop yourself if you want!! and no matter which bible and church you go to, no one will accept people like you!! Try going to church, you might change your mind!
shane: you can stop yourself if you want!! and no matter which bible and church you go to, no one will accept people like you!! Try going to church, you might change your mind!
alexa: it's embarrassing! you go to church but you don't even get respect! and if you are open minded, try to understand and learn the word lgbtq and be open minded!!
Group1: lgbtq is poison!!
after one of their members in group 1 mentioned that, their teacher stopped them because they said it was a foul.
misscristal: Oops!! group 1 said foul!! I told you that you will not use words that hurt or insult your neighbor!! stop the debate everyone sit down!! miss cristal: you know children you have a point in what you said but the explanation and statement of group 2 is also correct if you don't accept lgbtq just respect it there is no need to say hurtful words or do bad things just because you don't like it a person's gender. you don't need to judge someone because you will be harmed when you speak badly. You know class! Alexa is right that you go to church, you don't bring home any respect, do you? So instead of fighting or insulting lgbtq members, don't pay attention, let them instead of being hurt or fighting! do you understandclass: Yes ma'ammisscristal: Ok goodbye class! you can go to recess now
while shane and his friend were taking a recess, alexa and yurie approached.
shane: Uhm.. yurie, alexa I'm sorry for earlier huh? sorry and i'll respect your gender identity can we be friends now?
the end... thank you!
yurie: Sure! we're classmates and it's just a debate let's move on!
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