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The pardeneres tale

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The pardeneres tale
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Sir, I already know..
  • Go find out who he is -- Get the Name correctly too and what has happened!
  • Sir the Name is Death and he is very sneaky. Be weary and prepared to meet him anywhere!
  • We together make this pact to find and kill Death, and protect one another as if we are brothers.
  • Old man, how has your time not come?
  • My life is not of value to be taken..
  • You're not going anywhere, you're a spy for Death.. God will make you pay if you do not tell us where Death is!
  • If you want him so badly, last of which I saw he was under an oak tree past the bend.
  • For we are fortunate to have crossed paths with treasure, but we are bound to be accused of thievery
  • We must split this new found treasure of ours and take it at night; and one must go to town to get goods to celebrate.
  • We don't need to share with him, I've got a plan to get him out of the picture. When he returns i'll distract him and you will stab and kill him.
  • I can go to an apothecary and collect a poison for which I can use to gain the loot to my self.
  • Oh, why yes sir I believe I might. If as much as the size of a grain of wheat is ingested, they'll almost instantaneously drop dead
  • I have this problem with rats and marsupials and I was told you may have a solution.
  • I can trick them into drinking the drink will poison in it, whilst my drink will be safe
  • We did it! Now lets drink to our prosperity!
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu