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NutriSaurus: Gillian Moore - Age: 24

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NutriSaurus: Gillian Moore - Age: 24
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NutriSaurus storyboard for App use

Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Gillian's Story
  • Hi I'm Sarah, Gillian's Flatmate
  • This is my flatmate Sarah
  • I'm so tired, I hope I don't miss the dart if only I had more energy to face the day.
  • Gillian Moore Key Account Manager / IT Industry Age: 24 Lives: Dublin Single
  • Another lackluster Monday morning on the dart, with nowhere to sit and i am still hungry and tired.
  • Gillian and her housemate
  • Oh what to eat? Nothing but processed food and microwave meals as usual.
  • Still dark outside Gillian leaves her home early morning rushing to catch the 5:45 Dart from Greystones into Dublin. Usual unhealthy breakfast of coffee and white toast.
  • There must be a nutritional app that can help me change my eating habits?
  • A usual Monday morning on the over crowded dart heading into Dublin City Center to work. Gillian is unhappy, she lacks energy and is fed up of feeling tired and under nourished.
  • NutriSaurus the perfect app. Like a pocket nutritionalist...!
  • At lunch time Gillian looks in the staffroom to see what's available. Faced with the usual unhealthy choices of microwave foods , high sugar fizzy drinks, crisps, sweets and baked goods upsets her.
  • Waitn gfor the Dart, at the end of a long day Gillian feels exhausted and hungry. Fed up she starts looking for apps that could help her live a healthier and more fullfiling life.
  • NutriSaurus eh! Lets get started with the new healthy me.
  • Gillian came across NutriSaurus the perfect companion to help her change her diet and lifestyle around.
  • Sorry where you talking to me..?
  • Wierdo talking to herself...!
  • After reading the positive reviews on the app store she decided to download the app on the Dart to begin changing her life around. She started by inputting her Goal, which was to 'Eat Healthier'.
  • As soon as Gillian got home she sat down to set up her account. She inputted her gender.
  • Gender first Gillian.
  • Followed by her Date of Birth.
  • Hmmm...! What would my weight goal be? I suppose to stay roughly the same weight, maybe even gain a little weight.
  • Better measure my height first, Gillian thought to herself.
  • Next I'll hop on to the bathroom weighting scales to input my weight.
  • Gillian thought about her weight goal.
  • She then inputed a realistic wieght for her to reach.
  • Now for my email address, it will be handy to be able to access my account from my laptop and at work as well.
  • Let's see, I think I'll take a quick selfie and upload that as my profile picture.
  • Diet tracking and recipe suggestions reminders, now that's a great idea. This will help me to stay on track and keep motivated.
  • Gillian Moore
  • Now let's see, recipes and calories per retailer amazing. Roast Chicken. I'll save that and buy what I need when I go shopping this evening.
  • Gillian Moore
  • Hey, what's this? The basic app was free to download. If I want to get the most out of the NutriSaurus app I think it would be beneficial to upgrade. I will go for the monthly subscription first, if it all goes well I will change to the yearly subscription later.
  • Wow the upgrade offers so much more. This platinum account show's my body stats, and a graph to show my weekly weight loss or gain. The buttons are so easy to understand and use. Talk about user friendly.
  • On the train the next morning Gillian checks out My Chef for some recipe inspiration and finds a Roast Chicken recipe. Her mum has always told her to eat more chicken as a good source of protein.
  • I might as well give the barcode a go while I am here, check the cost of the chicken and milk against other retailers. Wow it really works!
  • Gillian saves the Roast Chicken Recipe to her favourites, giving it five stars.
  • Using My Shop Gillian creates her new custom list. She finds Lidl to be cheaper on prices but it's to far to travel. She decides on Centra as it's more convenient to home and the Dart station in Greystones.
  • Gillian finds using the barcode easy. She thought it was just a gimmick but it is proven to be invaluable for price comparison.
  • She just points the phone camera at the barcode, aligns it in the red box and presses the barcode icon button and it's done.
  • Seconds later the My Shop page appears with a list of local supermarket price comparisons for milk. It even has a breakdown of the nutritional values.
  • There is a Supervalu and Dunnes Stores not to far from her house. So she adds these to her weekend shopping list on MY Shop and plans to get the bus to Supervalu on Saturday.
  • Roast Chicken
  • I feel so energised. Never thought I would love the taste of fresh carrot and celery with humous for a snack. Definitely recommending NutriSaurus to Sarah.
  • At home that evening Gillian adds Roast Chicken and creates a new recipe in My Shop. She follows the recipe, which is dry roasted free from fat. She uses the Set Cooking Time function goes for a bath. By the time she's finished the reminder tells her the chicken is cooked. Sarah her housemate joins her for a nutritional and succulent meal.
  • Before going to bed Gillian checks her tracker and calorie counter. Thanks to NutriSaurus she can double check the My Chef function, which tells her the roast chicken dinner had 1372 calories. Under the Add Dinner function her calorie intake is 1200 - 1400 calories. So she can see straight away she is on track with her healthier lifestyle change.
  • Two weeks later and Gillian is still using NutriSaurus. She has gained the perfect weight for her age and height and is always full of energy. Not giving up on her new healthy lifestyle Gillian signed up to the local gym to start excercising and take full advantage of NutriSaurus. She will recommend the app to all her friends, including Sarah her housemate.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu