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Works Cited


Book Source:

Author's Last Name, Author's First Name.  Title of Book. [or italicize] City of Publication,

            Publisher, Publication Date.

ex: Smith, John. A Tour of the New World. London, London Publishing, 1645.

Book Source:

1 Author

Book Source:

More than 1 Author

ex: Smith, John, and William Bell. A Tour of the New World. London, London Publishing, 1645.

Book Source:

Corporate Author / Organization

ex: New World Tours Association. A Tour of the New World. London, London Publishing, 1645.

Indent second and subsequent lines of sources by .05 inches (hit TAB once)

Book Source:


ex: Smith, John. A Tour of the New World. Edited by William Bell, London, London Publishing,


Book Source:


ex: Smith, John. A Tour of the New World. 4th ed., London, London Publishing, 1645.

Book Source:

Anthology, Collection,  Chapter, or Reference

ex: Smith, John. "Landing in Virginia." A Tour of the New World, 4th ed., edited by William Bell,

              London, London Publishing, 1645.

Arrange sources in alphabetical order; double-space throughout, but do not triple-space between sources. Use size 12 academic font!

Only use publishing city if the book was published before 1900, there are publishing offices in more than one country, or if the publisher isn't well-known. 

Works Cited

Size 12 academic font, no underlining or italicizing, centered at the top of the page


Practice: Use the lines below to fill in the information of sources for your MLA Works Cited Page.


Electronic Sources: only use www-- eliminate the http://

Use paragraph numbers (par. or pars.) if there are no page numbers

Electronic Source:

Entire Website

Electronic Source:

Page of a Website

Electronic Source:


Electronic Source:

Article in Online Scholarly Journal

Electronic Source:

Article in Online Database

Electronic Source:

YouTube Video

Electronic Source:


Editor, Author, Compiler Name. Name of Site. [or italicize] Version number, Name of institution

              or organization (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation or last update to

              website, URL. Date Accessed (day month year). 

ex: Smith, John. A Tour of the New World. London Tour Company, 2018,

     Accessed 15 Apr. 2018.

ex: Smith, John. "Landing in Virginia." A Tour of the New World. London Tour Company, 5 Jan.

              2018, Accessed 15 Apr. 2018.

ex: Smith, John. Meeting New Friends. 1625. Museum of British History, London. Museum of

              British History,


              Accessed 15 Apr. 2018.

ex: Smith, John. "Landing in Virginia." A Tour of the New World Journal. vol. 4, no. 3, 1945, 

    Accessed 15 Apr. 2018.

ex: Smith, John. "Landing in Virginia." A Tour of the New World Journal. vol. 4, no. 3, 1945,

            pp.45-82. Smith Journals Library.

            doi:10.1056/tox.564842. Accessed 15 Apr. 2018.

ex: London Tour Company. "Landing in Virginia and Other Fun Adventures." YouTube, uploaded

            by John Smith, 4 July 2014,

ex: "Landing in Virginia and Other Fun Adventures." Conversations with Explorers from NPR,

             4 July 2014,
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