One day in Scotland, Macbeth and his best friend Banquo, encountered three witches in the forest. they told them that Macbeth will become king of Scotland, but Banquo's son will be the heir to Scotland
The second prophecy from the witches
After Macbeth explained the prophecy to his wife Lady Macbeth, she convinced him to murder King Duncan so he can become the king od Scotland. So Macbeth murdered King Duncan and poured the blood into the guards so they take the blamer and a few days later, Macbeth became king
Macduff plan to attack
Macbeth decided to send a murder to kill Banquo and fleece since they seemed suspicious and Fleance was the heir to the throne. Later he was told that Banquo killed but his son escaped. Macbeth strted to worry and found pit that Macduff who was thane of Scotlandescaped to England.
Reclaiming the throne
While Macduff went to England to join forces with one King Duncans son called Malcolm. He went to see the three witches again to find out ig he will be defeated. they told him to ne aware Macduff, no man born of a lady can be defeated and her only lose his throne when the tree move toward toward his castle
Macbeth sent murderers to kill Macduff, but since he went to England, they killed his family instead. Macduff and heard what happened and make an army in England to invade Macbeths castle. when they invade they use branches to them bland selves in
Lady Macbeth became mad of guilt and she committed suicide. Macbeth then found out that he was tricked by seeing Macduff army outside. then he was defended and Malcom became king.
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