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#2.4 Assignment WRDS Comic Strip-Savyata Adhikary

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#2.4 Assignment WRDS Comic Strip-Savyata Adhikary
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Monday, March 16th,2020
  • Mr. P
  • Hmm am I even in the right classroom?
  • I'm not sure if you received the email, Mr. P. Governor Roy Cooper has ordered all K-12 schools to close due to Covid-19.
  • Please Practice Social Distancing
  • My apologies, Dr. Decker. I must have been out of town when you sent that email. But man, do you know when we will return?
  • I am not quite sure when we will return but hopefully we will be back by next week
  • Please Practice Social Distancing
  • I really hope so because there are way too many topics I haven't gotten to cover yet.
  • Friday, May 8th, 2020
  • Schools will be closed all through this school yearStudents have the option to choose Pass/Fail grading for this semester which will not be counted towards their GPAIn-person graduation canceled for class of 2020
  • Announcement
  • NGL, I forgot almost everything including how to talk to people LOL
  • Schools better not act like everything is back to normal when my mental health has been affected tremendously. They need to be more lenient.
  • 1 Year Later..
  • FR, it feels like I got held back five times. My mental health is literally so. bad.
  • I got covid three times.
  • I had mental breakdowns almost every single day
  • I lost my grandfather because of the coronavirus
  • Icebreaker time!Share what you did over the long unexpected break
  • I lost all my friends
  • Our family business got shut down so we had no source of income
  • My parents got divorced
  • I attended virtual therapy sessions every week
  • I have ADHD I can't focus
  • Wow, seems like everyone suffered a lot. I can't believe you guys are still here after going through all of that..
  • I mean physically I might be here but mentally.. nope
  • I am depressed about my grandfather. Education doesn't feel like a priority anymore. Life is empty without him.
  • I'm sorry miss, could you please repeat the question?
  • If tomato is a fruit, is ketchup a smoothie?
  • I'm so sorry to hear that, you guys. Please complete chapter 1,2,3,4, 5 homework and then do the reading. Finish your project by this Friday or it will be 10% penalty per day. Study for your unit 1 Test that will take place this Thursday. Please also complete the Module 4 Activity on Canvas.
  • Extracurriculars are also very important. You need to focus on volunteering as well. Please join clubs as those will also be very beneficial.
  • Happy Birthday!
  • I have to ride the schoolbus by 6am. I still have so much homework. I'm going to lose my mind!!!
  • 3:05 am
  • User:Password:
  • You haven't been showing up to your classes recently. You used to be such a hardworking student. What happened? You will not be able to graduate if you get one more absence.
  • I know, I sincerely apologize. I recently have been dealing with so many mental health issues. I have no idea what to do. All the assignments are overwhelming. I just needed a little break.
  • You can't just do whatever you feel like. I need a doctor's note stating it is a medical health emergency or else you won't be excused. You should check the attendance policy.
  • I'm not sure how I can prove it. I don't even have the finances to visit a doctor. I worked so hard all these years just to have a traumatic event destroy my grades completely.
  • Well, I hope you figure it out. The school cares about you a lot. We don't want you missing out on education. Please try harder so that you don't have to repeat your courses.
  • Alright, I'll try..
  • SAMHSA, Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, has noticed a drastic increase of teenagers in the emergency department.
  • CBS News
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).Live chat:
  • I don't understand why so many students are dropping out. Do they not care about education?!
  • I got tons of emails from concerned parents about how at the end of the day, their child's life matters more than a piece of paper. School is very important but the ones who are dealing with a lot won't really benefit from being forced to attend, you know?
  • Change.orgSave the School, Save the Students
  • x______________________
  • Provide high school students with the option to take a mental health day off of school for them to be able to come back to school with a better mindset. They should be given at least five days per semester to use as a mental health day, and are not allowed to use more than two days in a row.
  • A student from UNC Charlotte started a petition to U.S. Department of Education about providing mental health days for students. The petition has been signed by 134,327 people throughout the nation.
  • CBS News
  • Session Law 2020-7 Senate Bill 476
  • A Senate bill signed into law by Gov. Roy Cooper is paving the way to address student mental health head-on and try to save lives in the process.
  • I was stressing out so much that I fell behind on all my classes but I used the mental health day to catch up on everything so I should be good to learn new information now!
  • I also used the mental health day yesterday to visit a psychiatrist and she prescribed meds for my anxiety. I feel at peace now I can finally pay attention during lectures.
  • A statewide report on public school students in North Carolina during the pandemic has concluded that graduation rates rose after the new attendance policy was implemented.
  • Image Attributions:2821823 ( - Madison Inouye - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed669612 ( - Lukas - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed590041 ( - Lukas - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed

Resim Öznitelikleri

  • 2821823 - Madison Inouye - (Lisans Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed )
  • 590041 - Lukas - (Lisans Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed )
  • 669612 - Lukas - (Lisans Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed )
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu