Crystal storms off and everyone’s looking at her. Hows she so mature for a one year old? How is she so strong? What did they feed her? crystal runs and runs to her comfort spot the bottom of a bridge. She sits in the tunnel under the bridge. Why did he feed me that? Why would he leave me and come back? said crystal. Why would he do that to my mom? Said crystal. Why am I so different. The all of a sudden a strange little boy with a medical gown runs in the same tunnel. Crystal states directly at him. Then he runs to crystal and he starts saying crystal, crystal we were looking for you. Pablo? Is that you?
Yes it’s me we were looking for you. And now the police are Looking for me. Wait what happened? They know we’re special we gonna move to another place said Pablo . No this is our home said crystal. But pablo you aren’t special what are u wearing said crystal. Crystal i got rushed to the hospital and there were traces of toxic waste and they were gonna do very bad things do you understand. Did he try and feed you that too?said crystal. Yes he did. Oh no. We gotta find kalani before Chris feeds her that toxic waste crystal. Yes Pablo Ik but ur not safe you need to stay here. No crystal what all alone? Yes all alone you have twice choices come with me or stay her safe. Okay I’ll stay here. Okay Pablo bye.
Chapter 4
Crystal runs quickly to find her mom and a woman comes and stops crystal. Little girl were are you going?? Picks up crystal and puts her in a car. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! Said crystal. Little girl how are you talking you’re simply a baby. That’s none of your business bye. Crystal opens the door and runs all the way back to the skate park.
Where are they? Crystal runs to the apartment her dad used to live in and she finds a letter. Written to her dad but it was opened?. it said “I’m sorry Chris you’re just too old for me I need to move on from this, you ruined our perfect family because you wanted to be special. How dare you? You really broke this family apart. I'm planning on leaving this place to a new city and you better pray the police don't find you because I see you on every wanted poster. We’re leaving him.
We’re leaving him. I needed to be happy but I wasn’t because my mom wasn’t by my side. I run to Pablo knowing where he is and holding the letter waving it I run to the bottom of the bridge hoping to find Pablo but all I see is police lights and Pablo wasn’t there? I chase the police car as far as I can but I can't because my legs are too little. Pablo made me two signs as he’s in the back of the police car before I see He’s falling asleep. Two four. Two four ?
24th street duhhh. I take the bus to the police station because girl my legs were tired and there Pablo sleeping in a cell. Really.. I go outside and see mom outside and I run and hug her. Mom!! mom!!
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu
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