my dear lord we have encounter something,something abominant
what is happening ,what is the matter
my lord ,my dear lord
you should know ,my noble son ,the real snake that stung your faher is now wearing his crown!!!
Oh my swet Ophelia ,my sweet impured girl do you think i love you , do you really think i have honestly falleen to your feet ohh Ophelia who is the insane one here ,you know what mayne you going away o a nunnary wouldnt be such a bad idea to keep you away from those oh how awful stemping sins youve commited.
Oh Hamlet you have gone completely mad,ow could you be so inpolite and treat me like that the person who loves you and who you promised to marry soon.
During this scene Hamlets friends have discovered,seen the supposed King Hamlet's ghost flying around .They ty to persuade hamlet that the reason why this spirit of his father wanders around might be because he needs to seak to him.
thy'must be crazy o my sin, My unholy sin
oo this disgusting fool,a murderer,a thief who has taken my fathers throne ,oh Claudius what are you
when you were driven my lust and those stupid words of his, a murderer,MY FATHERS MURDER!!!!!!
After Hamlet have bben informed about his fthers ghost wandering around he decdes to go and talk to him,but what a surprise did Hamlet got whe his father told him that he did not die of natural causes no he was muedered,POISONED by is only brother Claudius.Now that King Hamlets has told him the situation he tells Hamket that he did not repent his sins which means that King Hamlet is stuck in purgatory and in irder for hm to cross over Hamlet will have to help hm!
Oh Hamle what have you done,how could you do this fit during this plain you have gone completely mad my dear son
Oh i have gone mad mother,you are one to talk when have gotten married shorlty after my father has passed away,thw women who he love has married his brother my uncle, how could had not gone mad if my mother was my creator
Oh no all my sins may they be notice how could i commit such a crime a fool crime who am I now a murderer who killed my brother took his queen to only kill her who am I to the !!!!
During this scene Hamlet trues to make Opgelia believe that he has gone completely mad ,he insults Ophelia's dignity by calling her impure, but behind all that Hamlet hopes that Ophelia remebber that letter that he wrote for her telling her""Doubt thou the stars are fire,/ Doubt that the sun doth move,/ Doubt truth to be a liar,/ But never doubt I love"
oh how could I have done this to the one who was once my froend to my brother ,my plan of vengance has executed wrongly whom whove I become I should die but not go in peace.
Oh my mother ,My dear mother ,she has drank what was meant to be my death my poison ,o may my mother rest and be forgiven for all her sins of mother!
This scenes takes place where Hamlet,Ophelia,and queen Gertrude are observing the play ,this part of the play is about how hos uncle Claudius killed the King ,while the y watched Hamlwet paitiently he waited for his uncles reaction until pufff he went crazy he yelled .Hamlet revengfull and happy that he had find out the complete truth was ready to abominate his uncle.
O dear God what is this an abomination.
After Hamlet has been called to his mother's room Hamlet begins to tell his mother what has made him mad the sitatins which mother has made him live!!Hamlet tell his mother how his father was killed but Hamlet's mother believes he has gone completely md which Hamlet makes sure he assures everything thats surrounding him and what will this make him do and the acton and consequences that it will have.
Hamlet has been challenge to a duel of swords with Laertes,Laertes has return for revenge for his father and now more for his dead sister Ophelia,but the whole plan backfires the queen decides to drink the second plan of Claudius the cup filled of poison but as Hamlet nd Laertes drop there swords the exchsnge swords Hamlet has taken now the sword with poison which he cut Laertes Claudius drinks the poison .Claudius dies,Leartes dies but before Hamlet dies, he tell Horatio to let evey single human beon to know of what had happen to let THE TRUTH OUT!!!
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