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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Noooooo, The Apothecary could have actually helped me
  • Sorry we are closed today
  • TeeeheeheheehehI am so evil
  • Sorry we are closed today
  • Uhhhhhhh not again!!!!!!!!!
  • Sorry we are closed today
  • The next day Walter went to the apothecary Albert but to his dismay it was closed. Walter really though this time he would have a chance to get cured as the apothecaries cures are derived from herbs and they have had Knowledge passed downfor generations.
  • Hello great sir how may I help you today.
  • Very well I will have what ever money is oin you.
  • I need to get rid of this wart I will pay anything!!!!!!!
  • Before walter could get to the wise woman Quentin got their first and sent her to the same place as Albert and continued his plan to have Walter come to him to cure the wart. The wise woman, Wendy, used things from the garden for cures such as a worm necklace for a sore throat and she focused on food and bedrest for medicine.
  • I suggest Drowning the wart off in this pool
  • As long as you are sure it is going to work.
  • Walter went to the wise woman after the disapointing visit to the apothecary. However, the same thing happened that happened before the wise woman was out. Just when Walter had givven up hope he remembered that there was a Quack in town and hopefully he could cure him.
  • Oh well it is shame he died but more money for me!!!!
  • Walter then went and found Quentin the quack, Quentin plan worked and now he wanted to have the money he could get out of Walter.
  • The quack gave Walter a remedy of sticking his head underwater to drown the wart. *WARNING THIS WAS WHAT A QUACK DID THEY USUALLY PRESENTED MORE HARM WITH THE CURES THAT THEY GAVE OUT*
  • Sadly because Walter believed the quacks remedy he died of drowning while the Quentin sat there happily with the money he made of Walter.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu