The British Honduras Company sub-contracted its works. Their Yucatec agents dislikedEk (San Pedro leader) for defending Maya workers and fed false information to CaptainDelamere (English).
Maya worker
EK and his men
Captain Delamere marched to San Pedro to destroy “Canul and his men.”
Delamere and his men
Another agent told Ek that the British were coming to arrest him.
When the British arrived, they were surrounded by 200 armed men. The San PedroMaya informed the British that they were looking out for Canul.
The English concluded that the San Pedro joined the Icaiche resistance. Thegovernment decided to destroy the combined uprising. English troops would seal thenorthwest at Blue Creek and a second detachment would block the escape through theNew River. A larger force came from the south on the Belize River led by MajorMackay. A peace commissioner would accompany them to demand Maya surrender orface total destruction.
The Maya led by Rafael Chan awaited the English force coming from the south. Theconfrontation pushed Mackay sounded the retreat.