Really? Is this normal for adults? Will it improve our health?
Mom, dad what are you doing?
Yesyes it's normal in our family, but we need to keep it a secret in order not to get caught
your'e a disgrace, I cant believe this!
Im sorry but I dont want to be like you guys
Dont be such a killjoy! And dont you dare tell us what to do
Dont worry son well give you some of this when you grow up
Hmm maybe my parents were right
Ok son happy 16th birthday, as we promised, we will give you your first cigarette
*Explains what happened*
Oh cmon dont worry, maybe your parents are right, i mean look at us, we try more intense drugs than that, its okay
Actually I think you guys need to stop smoking, its bad for your health
Oh.. But I dont want to, it is bad for your health and its illegal
Dont tell anyone yet, the legal age to smoke is 21, but since me and your dad smoked at the age of 14, i guess theres no problem with you smoking at 16
Come take a marihuana with us it'd be fun
I Have Herion lets try some
Studies show that drug use increases your risk of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and psychosis. People with mental health issues also have a higher rate of drug use problems.
It can overstimulate the heart and nervous system and lead to a seizure, brain haemorrhage, stroke or heart attack (people have died from cocaine-induced heart failure)
Im so sick and tired of this marihuana, i want more intense illegal drugs
Taking too much of a drug, including prescription drugs, can result in an overdose. Each person will react differently, but death can occur in some cases. Even if the person recovers there can be permanent damage to their body
Im so sorry to say sir but from your test results we had found illegal chemicals and you are HIV Positive, after you get well again, we have no choice but to bring you in jailPlease do not attempt to try illegal drugs again because:
My Body Hurts.. I cant.. I need drugs but it's bad for my health.. I cant breathe! Im going to die here.. I Should've never listened to them!
I Regret doing drugs.. Not only am I in jail but it also gave me negative effects on my health..
You are under arrest for 1 year taking illegal drugs
Noo! Please let me go! I only have 1 month left to live! I dont want to die here! Alone!
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