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Animal Farm Story Board Pt 2

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Animal Farm Story Board Pt 2
Storyboard That

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  • Slayt: 1
  • Napoleon had all the animals assemble in the yard and had his menacing dogs surrounding him. All the animals feel shivers and cower in fear as they can sence something menacing and horrible is bound to happen. Then, Napoleon's horrible high pitch noise sounds and his dogs charge at four young pigs, and they seize them and drags them to Napoleon. The dogs even show their bloodlust by attacking Boxer yet he throws them off. Napoleon called the pigs to tell their crimes. He does this out of paranoia that animals are working with Snowball. They confessed that they were with Snowball and had helped him because they were nervous . Once their confession has over the dogs savagly ripped them apart and ate them; breaking the consitution. More animals had to come forward and confess to serveral crimes and then once again, were slaughtered. The smell of blood had never been smelled this much since the days of Jones. Once it was all over the animals were still cowaring in fear. After, it is also said that Beasts of England is not to be sang again because they do not need it, yet since the song inspires revolution and Napoleon does not want that aganist him, he bans it.
  • Slayt: 2
  • No!! All our work! They are going to blow up the windmill!
  • We will destroy!
  • Napoleon shows a messy leadership by going back and forth on his thoughts. At first, he did not like Fredirk and he was cruel. Then, he changed his mind and wanted to do bussiness with him so he told all the animals that the rumors weren't true and Pilkington was the bad farm. He gives timber to Fredirk in exchange for money yet after he realizes they were counterfeit and Fredrick had conned him. This shows his messy leadership and now he is aganist Fredirk again. Fredirk attacks the Animal Farm. They fight back yet everything is very messy and so is Napoleon's leadership. Then suddenly, Napoleon starts to get nervous that the windmill will be blown up. Then, all their work was ruined as Fredirik blew up the windmill and then after the animals fought back viciously, ran away. Squelar who was a coward and hid, came out and was in celebration yet Boxer looked around and saw the ruins and the blood and bodies and wondered what victory was this. They did not loose land yet their windmill was blown up and they lost their fellow animals. Then after Napoleon switches up again by drinking alchohol, then getting hungover and sick and banning it punishable by death, then recovering and saying it is okay untill and excess. And constittion is silently being changed.
  • Slayt: 3
  • To prosperity of the Animal Farm!
  • Now it has been years since the revolution where they took over from Jones. Only Clover, Benjamin, Moses the Raven, and some pigs were the only animals alive that were there during the revoluton expect for Napoleon and Squealar. Many had died and so had Jones. Squelar got very fat and Napoleon got even older. The revolution was not very important and talked about with newer animals and farm had grown richer and pigs claimed to be doing work when really they didnt. Pigs also started walking on two legs, officially being like humans. Pigs broke so many rules that instead of changing them all it was simply replaced with: "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others." Then the pigs one night, met up with many farmers in the farm house and talked about their farms and peace. The farms congratulated Animal Farm on having a lower class and hardly giving them anything. The pigs decide to rename Animal Farm back to Manor Farm. They then play a card game but Napoleon and Pilkington drawed and ace of spades which meant one was cheating which caused anger and an argument. Clover who was watching outside, really could not tell which was pig and which was human, symbolising how the pigs had become just like humans and became what Old Major warned to never become.
  • Slayt: 0
  • Confess what you have done!!
  • I took six ears of corn from the last harvest.
  • My new toast, Prosperity to the Manor Farm!!
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu