"At the sound of the roar and the flash of light..."
Everyone starts arguing
Guys stop! It's only a ham radio set...
"Mr. Brand...you better not! Why not? They don't want you to." "Whoever was in the thing that came over. I don't think they want us to leave here." "Now isn't that the craziest thing you ever heard?"
A dark figure appears so Charlie takes the gun from Steve shoots it.
"[And now, just as suddenly as the engine started, it stops and there's a long silence that is gradually intruded upon by the frightened murmuring of the people.]"
Turns out the dark figure was Pete Van Horm
Its Pete Van Horn...
Charlie... you killed him!
"Myra's talked about how there's been plenty of nights you spend hours down in your basement workin' on some kind of radio of something." "It's just a ham radio set, that's all."
Your wife says your working on something in your basement..
He works on a radio... You talk to any aliens Steve?!
Yeah, totally! I talk to monsters from outer space!
"[Now Charlie pulls the gun from Steve's hand.]" "As the figure gets closer and closer he suddenly pulls the trigger."
What is that thing...
Charlie give me back my gun!
NO WAY! We know you won't shoot it.
"It's Pete Van Horn." "You killed him, Charlie. You shot him dead!" "But...but I didn't know who he was. I certainly didn't know who he was. He comes walkin' out of the darkness"
I didn't know it was him!
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