I need a different perspective on the pros and cons of empires
This assignment on empires is really hard.
I think overall good.
Sure! let's talk outside so we are not lat noisy.
Hey John, I heard you needed a little help when I was walking in. can I join?
So Karen, overall do you think empires were good or bad?
I think that because empires have influenced modern day countries today. For example, when the English were ruling over India they brought democracy , farming of tea, and even cricket.
Let me give you an example of an empire oppressing over another group. There was a small mountain town call Numantia. The Romans didn't like them because they thought the little mountain town was questioning the Romans Dominance.
That is true but empires also caused a lot of bloodshed and oppression. People that they conquered were seen as less then and there culture was eventually fizzled out.
What happened next?
That is a good example but there also examples of empires having a good effect and not a bad one. But first lets get to class
In the end they sent troops to take them out but didn't want to expend any soldiers. So they surrounded the town so they could not get any recourses beyond their town. The food source finally ran out a year later and they decided to burn down there whole town
Another reason that empires were not all bad is that they brought different groups together. All empires come to an end, so when they fall the people they have conquered are free.
Those countries continued to carry out those western ideologies like humans rights, liberalism, communism, capitalism, feminism, and capitalism.
I think we can both agree their were benefits and downsides to empires and imperialism.
For example when European imperialism fell Chinese, Africans, and Indians carried on western culture.
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