Time safari. INC Safari's to any year in the past.you name the animal, we take you there, you shoot it.
yes l
all done?
They all arrive through the portal
They hear a sound of thunder and then see the T-rex
Eckel is signing up for a safari so he can shoot a Tyrannosaurus Rex. He is paying them a check of $10,000
As Eckels runs away the others start shooting the dinosaur
All the guides and hunters leave the time portal into the jungle
While Eckels ran, he stepped on a butterfly
As they walk they hear a sound of thunder and then see a t-rex charging through the forest and notice the red spot on its chest, which means that they found their target.
Travis Shoots Eckels
Tome sefati. INk Sefati's ta ane yea un der pask.yo nam tha anmal, us tak you der, yo shot ut.
it sees them all and they shoot it except for Eckel's who runs away and is scared of the monster
they all eventually find Eckel's and realise he squished a butterfly they are all furious and he is very shocked and sad
as they arrive back travis shoots Eckel's as he has changed everything and the thunderous sound goes off again.
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