In the end of the 16th century, the Dutch’s arrived in thearchipelago. The Dutch United EastIndia Company that had political power in Java and haddominate the economic after collapsing the Mataram Empire. Herman Willen Daendals and British Lieutenant Sir Stamford Raffles are the Governer-General from 1808 to 1816.
The Japanese Invation
1808 - 1816
The rules has a function as an intermediary between theJavanese peasant and the European civil service. It is the top ofthe Javanese aristocracy as an indigenous structure. The Dutchincrease dominance of Java without resistance.
The Indonesian Nationalism
1825 - 1830
In Europe, the Napoleonic war was competing Britishtraders. Therefore, the Governor General was assured the year1830 is the perfect era for the cultivation system. It turned outthat around 1832 to 1852 the income raised up to 19 percent. Ithas reached 33 percent around 1860 to 1866.
The Liberal Period
1830 - 1866
The Japanese was fueled by oil that was provided by theDutch Indies in March 1942. The Indonesia citizen will need tofollow the Japanese rules. The scarcity of food was caused bythe administrative incompetent. All of that turned Java into anIsland of hunger.
The Islamic union was founded in 1911. Other importantmovement was the Muhammadiyah that was founded in the1912. The Dutch authorities has established a movement in the1920’s. As the community rise up in the West Java and WestSumatra around 1926 to 1927. Another occasion was the youthpledge n the 1928.
1911 - 1928
In 1870, the Dutch has won their battle and has able toeliminate some of the features of the cultivation system.In 1901, the Dutch queen Wilhelmina informed the newpolicy. The ethical policy was raised for the living standard andnative population.
1870 - 1908
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