Disseminating Strategies for Increase KnowledgeTranslationTarget Audience: School-based Occupational Therapy Practitioners StrategiesPowerPoint PresentationsUse of Social Media Platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Zoom, webinars)Present at Professional Duty Days/Staff MeetingsPrinted MaterialsCollaborative SessionsPublishingAmerican Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT)The American Occupational Therapy FoundationPeer-Review Research Journals (e.g., OT Pulse)
Speaking on behalf of the qual group, the researcher interviewed 5-7 of us individually to understand our lived experiences during the telehealth to current practice in using technology/apps.What about you guys?
I am curious as you seem like a large group, so I am going to ask the question. How many of you from the New York City Board of Education were surveyed?
So, tell us what information did the researcher want to gather from surveying you New Yorkers?
Hi all! My name is Grace, and we were surveyed to collect quantifiable data for the quantitative strand for this research. The researcher wanted to know how often we use technology/apps in practice, how we vetted apps and our effective use of them?
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