yeah you were a good person but you didn't belive in the rock cycle for some reason, so it is my job to inform you about it
you my friend, are in hell
i wasn't bad on earth
so we are going to start off with sedimentry rocks. which are to most common, these rocks have layers like sand, dirt, and plant/animal life creating t he sediments
please stop
then we will move onto igneuos rocks which are formed in magma by cooling on the surface one of the best known types are obsidian
why are you doing this to me
which finally brings us to metamorphic rock, which are created by the other two types and itself. It's formed by heat, lots of time. and pressure
alright i get it!
since your here for the rest of eternity let's reveiw
and now the rock cycle in its whole.we begin with magma which forms into rock, now it can be broken dowm by erosion or eventualy become something like gneiss
now some metamorphic rock can become metamorphic rocks again such as shlate which comes from shale and becomes shcist
you are very unlikeable
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