I sure do love living in Constantinople, located in the Byzantine Empire between the years of 1200 to 1453!
I cant wait to travel to the Delhi Sultanate located in India!
I can wait for this 6 month journey across the ocean to be over, I´m glad I´ve avoided scurvy and monsoons this entire time. At least its cheaper to travel by water rather than land
wow, its so interesting how we trade things like honey, wine, and wheat but they trade stuff like paintings and metalwork. Its also interesting that we trade with some of the same civilizations
Its so cool how were so different, I suppose its because we´ve been influenced by different civilizations. Even our art is different.
We´ve also discovered different things, we perfected greek fire and they invented zero!
Art, science, and culture
Hey im from the future and im here to tell you that you actually get conquered by the ottoman empire in 1453 and the khalji dynasty comes to power over delhi in the last decade of the 13th century
This is a really cool temple, i hear they worship multiple gods. I could never, I only worship one god at church.
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