Itis morning 6am in the and Lisa Ang got out of bed to get ready for her 5 kmmorning run. she bushes her teeth and quickly go off for her morning run.
Doing what is right
Mom:just follow your heart and do what is right.
She run pass the wet market, someone shouted “Lisa “the fruit stall uncle has just passed her an apple.
the other side of pain
"YES BOSS" !!!!!
While she was running recall about one year ago, she told her mom that she has to quite there day job and train full time for 1 year for the 2020 summer Olympic game.
friend 's forever
sleeping in class agine
- Lisa: Mom I have to stopworking for about 1 year to train full time for the upcoming Olympic game. Maybe I have not good enoughto win any Olympic medal but I that in my heart “I have to the do this “. Mom:just follow your heart and do what is right.
Lisa:” Coach I can’t do thisanymore “she then put down the weight to rest. Coach Rocky: You got to hold onto that fundamental quality of faith that on the other side of your pain is something great, Now give me 50 more push up before you call it a day.
Itnow 7.10pm and Lisa is late for class at SUSS, she run up the stair to the 3th floor. have missed the last class due trainingand is unclear of what was going on now in class. but her classmate helps herand she able to keep.
Fight Night
the support
finish her
Fastforward to 2020 Olympic game, Lisa is having a hardtime beating her opponent and is about giving up.
She look to the Crowd and saw the School flags of SUSS and her friends and family cheering for her “Go Lisa, Go Lisa , Go Team Singapore “
Feeling good about herself, she fight on and finally win the Silver Olympic medal for team Singapore.
“Showyour support for local sportsman and woman, because their fight is your fight too.”
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