I want to hold a special convention and vote to secede!
Atempt at Compromise
Lincoln won the election by so many more votes than the rest. In effect, the north outvoted the south. The nation of Lincoln was to lead soon disintegrate.
The Confederacy
Lincoln and the Republican promised not to disturb slavery. However, the South's long-standing threat to leave the Union became a reality when South Carolina held a convention to vote to secede.
Reaction to Secession
In the end, they decided that they needed to make a compromise to show some slavery is ok. Also having some slavery will put some states in better hands.
Presidential Responses
A few other states then ended up joining Soth Carolina with their leader/president at the time. They were known as the Confederate States of America
Many Southerners ended up welcoming secession. This ended up showing some conflict and didn't bring others together.
Lincoln had not yet taken office yet, so the president before him was trying to make a whole bunch of other different things happen in a short amount of time. Also once Lincoln took office, somethings turned out his way
Bye Bye!!
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