Abrahm, take your son Issac, to the land of Moriah were i shall lead you to a moutian for his scarifice.
I will go there straighrt away God.
God appeared and spoke to Abraham, to test his faith in God. God told Abraham to take his son to the land of Moriah, where God will show him to a certain moutain and he would start a fire and sacrifice his son.
Slayt: 2
Abraham takes Isaac,two servants and a donkey to the land of Moriah
We are heading for land Morah there we shall be lead to a moutain by God.
The next day Abraham took his son, Isaac, two servants and a donkey and went off to the land of Moriah. When they arrived in the land of Moriah, God showed them the specific mountain.
Slayt: 3
Abraham , Isaac, the two servants and the donkey arrive at the land of Moriah
Farther, I ahve wood but no sacrifice were is the lamb?
Seravnts we shall be back saty her until we do come back.
When Abraham , his son Isaac, the two servants and the donkey arrived at the certain mountain. Abraham sharpened a knife, grabbed a flaming torch and told the two servants to stay with the donkey as his son and him were going to pray and make a sacrifice to God.
Slayt: 4
Abraham sacrifices his son to God
Once Isaac brung the wood to Abraham, Abraham got the fire ready and laid his son tied up on top of the fire. As Abraham got ready to plunge a knife in his son's chest the angel appeared. The angel said " Abraham do not to kill your son as you have shown your faith."
Slayt: 5
An Angel speaks to Abraham
Since you have shown you love to God, you are your son have been blessed and also your son's son.
As Abraham untied his son he spotted a ram tangled in a bush. Abraham then got up and grabbed the ram, tied up and sacrificed it, instead of his beloved son Isaac.
Slayt: 6
Abraham and his son are blessed
Thank you so much!
And for the sons to come as mnay as to stars you see in the sky.
As the ram was being sacrificed the angel gave a blessing to Abraham, and his son, and his son's sons to come. Once the blessing was over the angel disappeared and everyone went back to Beersheba
Slayt: 0
6.God will give us the lamb.
Abraham, Stop! You have shwon you love to god my willing sacrifce your child.
I am sorry Issac!
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