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Frog Natural Selection

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Frog Natural Selection
Storyboard That

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Overproduction
  • I lay 3,000 eggs at a time, not all will survive. 
  • Tadpoles of different frog species competes for food in the same areas. 
  • Competition
  • Variation
  • My species have brighter skin to scare off predators. 
  • My species has more earthy toned skin to blend with my environment. 
  • My ancestors were more of a green color. Over time we evolved to be more brown so we could blend with the environment and hide from predators. 
  • Adaptation
  • NaturalSelection
  • I blend with my environment and will survive better than  red species.
  • I stand out more to predators....I will be eaten :D 
  • Speciation
  • Because brown frogs have the favorable trait a species of brown frogs came to be. 
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