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Enslaved African Americans

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Enslaved African Americans
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  • Hey! You two, get back to work!
  • I don't get Omar, why do people have to treat us like that? Why can't they just do the work themselves?
  • Well, I'm sorry lil bro, but there's nothing we can do.
  • Hi, my name is Hassan. And this is my older brother, Omar. We are enslaved African Americans.
  • Hey Hassan, who are you talking to?
  • But, when it comes to being enslaved, it really sucks. Omar and I have to spend everyday farming, growing crops while getting whipped. Also, we are not the only ones.
  • I completely agree but seriously, who are you talking to?
  • I'm talking to Mrs. Leatham. I am giving facts about us so she can learn what is was like to be an enslaved African American back then.
  • Oh, well in that case...
  • As a slave, you don't have have much rights. Like Hassan and I, we didn't even have an opportunity to receive an education.
  • Hey Hassan, its getting late. I think we should get some rest.
  • Yeah. But thanks for coming to learn a bit. Also I'm looking forward for A+ for this one! Later!
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu