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Medieval Storyboard

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Medieval Storyboard
Storyboard That

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • I've decided you're old enough now to be able to go into town and sell the family produce on your own.
  • Son, today's a new day. Today is the day you become a man.
  • How does that sound?
  • I'll do it father! You won't have to worry about me, I'll sell every last bit of that produce like my life depends on it.
  • How so father?
  • Textiles
  • Hello William, where is your father today?
  • What an important responsibility! Only the most mature of men are trusted with such a task. Good luck to you boy and know I am here if you have any questions.
  • Hello Mr. Smith. My father decided I would go on my own today to sell the family's crops.
  • Wheat & Barley
  • Textiles
  • What a polite young man you are. Unfortunately I wouldn't care to have any interest in your wheat or barley, but I do have an interest in you son.
  • But sir, this filthy peasant can't become a knight. It isn't permitted.
  • Hello sir! Would you like to buy any wheat or barley on this fine day?
  • Never mind that, such a fine young man as he should have such an opportunity. Why don't you come with me boy. We will notify your family of your new status in the kingdom.
  • How would you like to serve the honor of protecting your king as a worthy knight?
  • Wheat & Barley
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu