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Storyboard That

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • This isn't fair I don't always have to do everything.
  • Gender Stereotype
  • Your the lady you are supposed to be cooking my dinner and cleaning while I go hunt for it.
  • Not they are not that is racist to think like that, most of us have light skin as well not everyone is the same.
  • Racial Stereotype
  • Native Americans are only supposed to have red skin not light skin color
  • They always wear weird outfits like that
  • Personal Stereotype
  • Look its the "Red Skinned" People
  • Not all of us Natives do the same things most of us actually have a house and a normal job and not all of us make dresses and hunt for our jobs.
  • Professional Stereotype
  • Yall are supposed to be hunting and making dresses and wheres your hachet
  • Stereotyping is wrong because its racist and it people of the race that you are stereotyping are offended by what you are saying and they do not like it. Another reason is that this race does nothing wrong to you so don't stereotype someone that doesn't hurt you in a way and even that don't stereotype at all its offensive to a lot of people and others hate it well actually a lot of people hate it. You wouldn't want someone to go up to you and be racist to you for no reason and even if they had one you wouldn't like that because it hurts peoples feelings.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu