Sure, Zwei. Take your time and good luck.
Hi kuya Cody! Can I borrow your computer? I have to work on my school project.
While downloading some images from a browser, a messaged popped up.
Oh wait, let me check first.
Proceed anyway
The site's security certificate is not trusted!
Back to safety
Kuya Cody, what is this message? Can i click "Proceed anyway?"
It is not advisable to proceed as it may contain a virus. This is a feature I enabled in the browser to filter phishing sites. Better to choose another website to download the images you need.
Kuya Cody checked the pop-up message and explained what it is.
Proceed anyway
The site's security certificate is not trusted!
Back to safety
I see...
Zwei followed kuya Cody's advice and finished downloading the images.
Hmm.. Let me see.
Kuya Cody, I need to save these images on my USB, however, I get another message after I plugged it in. What should I do?
Do you want to scan and fix Removable Disk (N:)?
Continue without scanning
Scan and fix (recommended)
Kuya Cody explained to Zwei what the message means.
Removable USB device is one of the most usual source of computer virus. That is one setting that I enabled to scan vulnerability of the device. It is recommended to choose "Scan and fix" as this will prevent future problems when copying files to this device.
Do you want to scan and fix Removable Disk (N:)?
Continue without scanning
Scan and fix (recommended)
Noted on that, kuya Cody.
Before Zwei copied the files...
Oh by the way, Zwei let us scan the files you downloaded using the anti-virus installed in my computer.
Thanks for helping me out, kuya Cody and I appreciate all the information you shared on how to protect our computer from any virus.
Scanned. % no virus detected.
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